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St Patricks NS Covid 19 Response Plan 

UPDATE as of 30/08/2021

Recently the Department of Education and Skills

published the required actions to facilitate the safe

opening of St Patrick's NS for September 2021 in

light of the Covid-19 Pandemic.


All of the provisions in these documents are being

implemented in our school.  


Government Back to School Guidelines - 



Download the Response Plan here:


The below documents outline a detailed plan of our safe return to school, please take a moment to familarise yourself with this information. 


Preparing your child for school 

We strongly encourage you to teach your child good handwashing technique. Please see Video here


We ask that you teach your child good coughing/sneezing etiquette. 

A  few things to remember...

Please see the following link to the Government advice to students and

parents returning to school:


Children feeling unwell

While all children are more than welcome back to school, we would like

to remind parents that where children are displaying colds, coughs or flu

like symptoms, they should not be sent to school. Parents will be asked

to collect children who display such symptoms.


When should I keep my child home? - 

Please find the HSE advice here:


Close contact of Covid-19 -

Please see the following HSE advice:

A few things to highlight:

Masks - 

Please continue to wear masks at all drop off and collections, and to maintain social distancing as far as possible. 

School bags - 

We will be reintroducing schoolbags. It is paramount it only contains the bare essentials as instructed by individual class teachers, including lunchbox and water bottle. Please provide a second pencil case and hand sanitiser that will be kept in school. 

Label everything - 

Please clearly label ALL jumpers and coats as we cannot operate a Lost Property.

Parking - 

We encourage you to scoot, cycle or walk to school where possible. Parents are welcome to park in the Church Car Park opposite the school. A traffic warden is on duty at the start and end of each day, who will safely escort the children across the road. 
For safety and logistical reasons, the small car park at the school is strictly limited to staff and those who require disable parking facilities. There is strictly no parking on the footpath right of the teachers car park spaces as access is required at all times for emergency vehicles etc.
As instructed by the HSE, we also ask that you do not park or congregate on the grounds of the Health Centre.

Drop-off - school gates will be open from 8.25am -

Parents will not be allowed on school premises without an appointment through the office. Children should be dropped at the Main or Health Centre School Gates where they will be met by Ms Harper, Dee and the SNAs. If there are any nervous or upset children, they will be walked into the classroom. 


Collections -

1.05 pm - Junior Infants depart from the Main Gate and Senior Infants from the Health Centre Gate 
Junior Infants will finish at 12pm the first week, Tuesday 31st August to Friday 3rd September inclusive
2:00 pm - 1st Class depart from the Main Gate and 2nd Class from the Health Centre Gate
2.05 pm - all other classes depart

School meeting protocol -

Please email the office on the morning of any appointments

you may have for your child. Please ring Dee when outside

and she will then accompany your child to the gate.

Unfortunately, once your child leaves the premises, they will

not be able to return until

the following day. 

Class locations - View here


Important .jpg

The HSE has provided information about

the changes to contact tracing and testing

for children aged between 3 months and 13 years in early learning and care, school aged childcare, education, primary school sports and social


You can find it here:


Also find other resources  for download Videos and posters outlining the common symptoms of Covid-19, and stressing  to parents that if a child has any new onset symptoms as listed and feels unwell or seems off-form,  not to send them to school and contact their GP for advice, if necessary:


Download Key Points 
Key Points.JPG
Download My Checklist
Check list.JPG
Poster for illness.JPG

                           It is an anxious time for us all but we do think there will be great benefits in your child 

                        returning to school and adapting to our new norm.  We have put a lot of work into planning

                      and preparing for a safe return strictly following guidelines from the Department of Education

                    and Skills and the HSE.


However, if your child is deemed 'high risk' or is overly-anxious and will not be returning to school, please inform us immediately as it is important that the Class Teacher knows for preparing the classroom set up/Pods. Please email the Office at

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