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Golden Book Awards

2020-2021 Awards

Tehya, 1st Class: Amazing work on climate change for Earth Day. I am so impressed Ms Flynn


Hugo, 1st Class : for coming back to school with such a positive attitude and completing all that is asked of him. Also, for a huge improvement to his writing, not only his handwriting but also the amount of work he is producing. (See two images for comparison!) Rachel Flynn


Tehya, 1st Class: for making such a huge effort to work independently on every task assigned to her. She has produced some incredible comprehension since returning to school and should be very proud of herself. Rachel Flynn


William, Ba mhaith liom William Walsh a mhol don leabhar speisialta le haghaidh a dea-iarracht an teanga Gaeilge a fhoghlaim. Since joining our school from America in October, he has listened carefully and soaked up every opportunity to learn our language. While at home, himself and his sister helped each other as he counted every day. He completed his written exercises perfectly and read his work out loud, having a go at words he most likely had never even heard, let alone read.  Maith thú William!!! Wendy Morgan


John and Alma - 3rd Birch - for their persuasive letters. Both letters were beautifully written and their arguments were very convincing. Ms McCormick


Fiabelle, 2nd Class Hazel - for her incredible effort on her Write-a-Book entry. I have had the pleasure of listening to Fiabelle's wonderful story develop over the last few weeks. Not only has she produced an extremely competent book, she has also demonstrated her amazing computer skills by screen-sharing and editing her work over Zoom with me. Well done Fiabelle, you should be very proud of yourself. Anabel  


Hector, 6th Ash - for not only working consistently hard this term, but for keeping us amused on Zoom with his contributions of fun facts, jokes and unusual name tags before the lessons begin. We may groan at some of them, but all appreciate you waking us up with a smile every morning! Anabel


Zoe, 2nd Class Hazel - For her very expressive reading of the BFG.
Ms Morgan. View the video here: BFG


Josh, Sophie, Kanav and Isabella, 4th Class - All of 4th class have been super but I have noticed a few pupils working exceptionally hard and giving their full effort to every task I set. They have also been very engaged during our zoom classes. Ms Murphy


Jessica, Lauren, Fionnuala and Ava, 2nd Hazel - For their contribution to our ZOOM meetings. They attend every ZOOM session punctually and are always ready with whatever materials I have specified to have to hand. They listen carefully to others and mute and unmute themselves exactly as directed to offer their own contribution, speaking confidently and concisely. Their flawless behaviour extends to letting me know if I'm 'glitching' (our new word!) or I've forgotten to share the sound on a video screen. This they do assertively and politely. Ms Morgan


Fionn, 2nd Hazel - In addition to his impeccable behaviour online, he has diligently uploaded everything asked of him to his SEESAW account and is making super progress in particular through his reading outload as Gaeilge gach lá. Ms Morgan

Sofia-Lily, 2nd Hazel - For her insatiable enthusiasm for home learning. She seems unstoppable at present!  In addition to her worklists, she is producing artwork to encourage anyone passing her door to 'Save Our Planet' and is undertaking the Write a Book project too. Her good humour is infectious online! Ms Morgan


Clara, Senior Infants - for working so enthusiastically every day and being very creative in her activities at home. She followed a suggestion I gave the class to try out 'tea and coffee painting'...she created a picture which then inspired her to write a little poem with her dad (which includes rhyming words and we were doing rhyming words a couple of weeks ago). Ms Morrissey

Freya and Reuben, 6th Ash - Both have been very active and engaging on the online learning. They put so much thought and creativity into their work that it should be acknowledged. Not only that, they are always so kind and helpful to their classmates. They are a pleasure to teach. Ms O'Connor

Matilda, 3rd Birch - We are so pleased with all of her hard work over the past week and a half. She has been engaging so well in her Zoom lessons and has been such a pleasure to teach. Ms McCormick & Ms Bedell

Ellie and Bogdan, 1st Class - They have been fabulous so far and are really active participants on every zoom call. I think it would be really nice to acknowledge this. Bernie had also noticed how brilliant they are each morning on the call. Ms Flynn

Cian, 6th Oak - a phenomenal project on the Finnish festival Ukon Juhla for History. He really did an exceptional job and I'm looking forward to him presenting it to the class when we are back in school. Ms Regan


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