Contributor: Sinéad Regan
Dia daoibh!
Last year the schools closed just as we were about to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge so it is fitting that we are returning just in time for its celebration this year.
We are all acutely aware that Gaeilge has taken a massive hit over the past two school years as school is one of the few places where children are exposed to the language so we would like to really encourage everyone to participate in whatever way they can this year ‘Má tá beagáinín Gaeilge agat, labhair í!’
Here are some ways you can introduce Gaeilge into your day:
An radió: Radió Rí-Rá This would be my first choice, Radío Rí-Rá plays music that is in the charts and will appeal more to the younger listeners Radió na Life is a more alternative radio station trí mhéan na Gaeilge Raidió na Gaeltachta is probably the best know Irish language radio station but isn’t as accessible to those who are not fluent As Béal Feirste
An teilifís: TG4 – go háraithe Cúla 4 Clár Gaeilge do pháistí (Irish programmes for children)
An idirlíon:
Scéalaí Gaeilge (Irish stories) Tá a lán físeáin eile ann - is sraith simplí ealaíne do pháistí óga é darbh ainm Déan Féin É. (A youTube channel with craft activities, instructions all in Irish)
Aclaíocht (Exercise):
Seisiún HIIT:
Deich ag a deich:
Most importantly use any Irish that you have, encourage everyone at home to use it (maybe pick a 10-15 minute slot each day for Irish, before dinner could be an ideal time):
Throughout Seachtain na Gaeilge ‘Is fearr Gaeilge bhriste ná Béarla cliste’.