Congratulations to Hugo & Tehya!
Hugo: for coming back to school with such a positive attitude and completing all that is asked of him. Also, for a huge improvement to his writing, not only his handwriting but also the amount of work he is producing. (See two images for comparison!)
Tehya: for making such a huge effort to work independently on every task assigned to her. She has produced some incredible comprehension since returning to school and should be very proud of herself.
William: Ba mhaith liom William Walsh a mhol don leabhar speisialta le haghaidh a dea-iarracht an teanga Gaeilge a fhoghlaim. Since joining our school from America in October, he has listened carefully and soaked up every opportunity to learn our language. While at home, himself and his sister helped each other as he counted every day. He completed his written exercises perfectly and read his work out loud, having a go at words he most likely had never even heard, let alone read.
Maith thú William!!!